Getting paid on Crowdship is easy, regardless of whether Suppliers are dropshipping on the Marketplace, or via Private connections, or both.
There are two ways to get paid:
Automatically by Crowdship for Marketplace orders
Manually outside of Crowdship for Private connection orders
Automatically - Marketplace Orders
For Marketplace orders, Crowdship will auto-pay Suppliers on the 1st of each month.
You simply add your bank account info
and on the 1st, Crowdship will pay you for all the orders from the past month, minus 5% for merchant service fees.
Manually - Private Connection Orders
For Private connection clients, Suppliers are responsible for collecting payment themselves.
Suppliers can arrange this with Retailers via ACH or bank wire transfers, through a custom credit card processing portal, or even via a physical check in the mail - whatever works for the Supplier and their Retailer clients.
There is no fee for this payout method, but again, these payments have to be manually collected.
Crowdship provides an invoicing tool which allows sending an invoice to the Retailers for fulfilled orders, which the Retailer can then "Mark as paid" while providing a reference number for their invoice payment transaction.