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Setup Instructions (Shopify)

Quickly set up Crowdship and start selling

Updated over a week ago

If this is your first use of Crowdship...

Simply follow the prompts in the alert at the top.

  1. Set up your account and order settlement method -- basically, just make sure all your contact details are correct and add a credit card which will be used to pay for orders and the subscription fee.

  2. Review the default preferences configuration -- the default preferences should be good to go as is, but you may want to explore a bit and readjust the settings.

  3. Import some products you want to sell -- just pick and add some products you want to sell, and you're good to go! When a paid order comes in to your shop with a Crowdship item, Crowdship will auto-detect and send the order to a Supplier for fulfillment.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to email us, or use the chat widget inside the app.

If you're migrating from the first version of Crowdship...

Follow the same steps as 1 and 2 above for new clients, but at step 3, you need to use the Product Sync tool, so you can link your Crowdship v1 products with this new version, and so after step 2 above, start with step 3 as follows:

  1. Set up your account and order settlement method

  2. Review the default preferences configuration

  3. Navigate to the "Products" tab, and once you arrive, in your browser's URL address bar, add the string "/sync" (make sure to include that "/") to the end of the URL, and press Enter -- this will take you to the Product Sync tool:

  • the URL will look like this:


  • change it to this - remember to add the "/" with "/sync" to the end:


4. Once on this page, click "Search for matches" button, and Crowdship will start looking for matches in your store -- come back to this page in about 5 minutes, and refresh.

5. Select products from the "Found matches" category, and click "Link products" -- wait a few seconds, and if you haven't added all the Found Matches yet, you can refresh the page and repeat this process, until you add all the Found matches. You can link more than one products at once, though the limit at the moment may be 20 at a time (we're working on improving this).

6. Once you're done Linking the found matches, please navigate over to the "Disconnected Products" tab (if it does not say "0"):

- Here, we see products that Crowdship can detect as having been on Crowdship in the past, but for some reason, the Supplier has removed them, and they may or may not be back. So, for now, the products shown here are ones that cannot be fulfilled.

- Hopefully the count of these products is 0, but in case it's not, we've provided this tool to help you easily mark these products as "Draft," so that way you retain the data from the product listing, so that your shop no longer show a sold out and/or disconnected product that can't be fulfilled and shipped to your customers, and so that if these products ever come back, you will be able to link them and set them as Active using this Product Sync tool.

- To use the tool, simply select the disconnected product that Crowdship found, and click "Mark as Draft."

7. WARNING - this is a dangerous feature which if used improperly, could delete variants you may want to keep. You may also have products under the "Unresolved Conflicts tab" - these are products where there is a mismatch between variants, meaning, either

a. you have a product with SKUs which are on Crowdship, but your shop's version of the product doesn't have all the SKUs the Crowdship product has (for example, your product has 3 SKUs, and a Crowdship product has all 3 of those SKUs, and 3 more) - in this case, you will see a green colored variants count, indicating that Crowdship has new variants that it will add to your store,

b. or you have a product with SKUs which are on Crowdship, but the Crowdship version of the product has less SKUs than the product in your shop - in this case, you will see a red variants count, indicating extra variants/SKUs which Crowdship would delete from your shop.

  • If have several conflicting products, particularly ones you have trouble understanding how to resolve, please feel free to contact us, and we'll walk you through this step. You should only need to go through this process once, to migrate from the beta version to this new version.

Repeat the process in 6 and 7 until you're done linking all your products from the beta version (you may need to refresh the page after linking), and you're ready to start selling!

The "Unresolved Conflicts" tool is used in these cases

  1. When you have SKU-A, and Crowdship has more than one match, so here Crowdship needs you to decide

    • For now, you should just pick the one that has the most stock, but we are working on improvements where you can select to auto-pick which Supplier will fulfill, based on some basic rules like price and shipping distance, and Crowdship will take care of the rest to get you the cheapest, fastest shipped fulfillment, or you can select a specific Supplier to link to. When the improvements are made, you'll be able to enjoy them and whatever choice you make here won't limit your options.

  2. When you have multiple copies of SKU-A, and Crowdship needs you to decide which of your products to link to the Crowdship product

    • In the future, we will allow multiple of your products to link to 1 Crowdship product, but not yet.

  3. When your product has less SKUs than the Crowdship product

    • In this case, Crowdship will create the new variants in your Shopify product which are missing.

    • This is when you see the green text like "2 new."

    • We will upgrade this in the future to allow mismatch of variants, but for now, it "has to be" 1-to-1.

  4. When your product has more SKUs than the Crowdship product

    • In this case, Crowdship will delete the old or obsolete variants which Crowdship no longer supports.

    • This is the most dangerous case by far, as something may be deleted that you do not want deleted.

    • We will upgrade this in the future to allow mismatch of variants, but for now, it "has to be" 1-to-1.

Once you're all setup you should be good to go with default settings, but if you want, you can head over to the Preferences page and make sure the default configuration is to your liking. You can refer to our article, "Configuring Crowdship," for a brief explanation of the available preferences.

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